Vincents third litter was born at 10 April 2009.
Vignett's A Dream Come True got two males and one bitch (all blue roan).
The puppies were born at kennel Cockerqueen's.

"Sofi" with her four days old puppies.

4 days old. The bitch is located on top of her brothers.

"Kenny" & "Kebbe", 2,5 week

"Kelly", 2,5 week


...where two of them don't seems to be totally agree?

Cockerqueen's Fjälluggla, 6 weeks

Cockerqueen's Fjällvråk, 6 weeks

Cockerqueen's Fjällripa, 6 weeks

* * *

Cockerqueen's Fjällripa in the bath!
8 weeks

Mm, smells good... :)

And look how beautiful I am now!